What moments do you want captured?
Do you want your photo diary starting with you getting ready? Do you want detailed images of your beautiful gown and accessories? We look stunningly beautiful on our Wedding day. We are glowing with all of the emotions of the day, about to peak when we walk down the aisle. So take centre stage and take time to have some beautiful Bridal portraiture before you leave for the ceremony.
• Do you want photos of the Groom getting ready? • Do you want family photos done after the ceremony? • Where do you want to have your personal shoot done? • What kind of landscape do you want as a backdrop? • Is there somewhere that represents your relationship?
Of course the list goes on but your Photographer will discuss these with you as they are working on your photographic plan.
These days with the paparazzi of family & friends with their compact cameras the need to have a Photographer at that reception is almost redundant. However if you do have them for this time remember to book them at seat at a table and dinner if they are shooting your reception.