What products do you want & what will it fit into your budget?

There is a large variation of prices for your Wedding Package & along with that are the products now available. You need firstly to consider the value of your photography & then determine what percentage of your budget this represents.

People often ask why wedding photography cost so much. The pricing can vary quite a bit & it’s based on quite a few things. What it costs them to run their business, produce the work, pay their staff & of course the tax man. The experience they bring with them, their qualifications & awards & the value of what they create for you.

Let’s not forget the time spent on the job. The consultation, the follow up meetings, checking out the location & venues, attending Wedding rehearsals, shooting on the day & the time spent in post production. This last one varies a lot depending on the individual Photographer & the end result they want to achieve for you. Some may only spend a couple of hours on this stage; some may spend 30 or 40 hours especially if they do creative work.

It is definitely within their own right to charge as they wish, however you need to be aware of the pricing before booking the Photographer & confirm that there are no hidden prices.