I'm not an event manager & I have no idea how to manage the time of this event?
An essential element to a successful Wedding Day is your timeline planning and managing.
Photographers play an important role in your day and will be able to help with planning the timing for each element. A professional photographer will want to help you with your time management. They have been involved with many weddings & know where the pitfalls are in timing.
Probably your biggest challenge with time is after the ceremony when everyone wants to congratulate you and your Photographer, being the timekeeper at this stage needs to get the family photos taken. Keep this in mind when working out your time frames & how many family shots will you want. It is best to do larger group ones & then smaller groups for just immediate family. This is one area where precious time can be lost from your portrait shoot if this is not well managed. Talk to your venue & find out if you have any wiggle room for your seated arrival back at your reception.
Better yet consider having your portraits done prior to the ceremony. It could save you both time and money! Discuss the pro’s & con’s of this with your photographer.
Most Photographers also have a time limit in their packages so you could be paying extra if you are not well organized. Check this with them at your consultant.
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