As a bride, you've likely done a LOT of planning and organsing leading up to your wedding. However, on the wedding day it's time to take off your planning hat, and put on your princess hat. But what happens when last minute decisions need to be made - and you've got 10 different people asking you 20 different questions? You need a personal assistant.
This person can be either one of the bridesmaids, or (my preference) another good friend you trust that is a guest at the wedding. Their job is to talk to all those people with questions and sort out as much of the stress as possible. They will have copies of all your run sheets, of guest lists, phone numbers etc and handle issues without getting you involved. If there are questions that only you can answer, they calmly approach you with a specific purpose and then leave you alone. That way you're in a nice calm bubble, and if there is drama - you've got someone to sort it out.