Having a happy marriage is the goal of any newlywed couple. But like everything good in life, to achieve a successful marriage, you need to work at it! With so much focus going into planning the wedding, we can often forget the reasons why we’re getting married and how marriage will change our lives. Today we’re sharing what we believe are seven keys which can help you have a successful and happy marriage.
A Happy Marriage Takes Work!
It takes two to tango, and it takes two to have a great marriage. Working together successfully will require some trial and error, but you got married to the one person you want to spend the rest of your life with – so it’s worth it!
Here are seven tips to help you achieve the best marriage:
- Listen – listening and hearing are not the same things. Listening involves you taking on board what someone else is saying, thinking about it, paraphrasing what is said and looking at someone when they are talking. Active listening is a great skill to develop over your years together and will help you both ride over the rough patches ahead.
- Acceptance – if you’ve entered into marriage expecting to change your husband or wife, it’s time for a rethink. Being happily married means you accept your spouse for who they are, focus on their positive traits and enjoy being with them.
- Water your grass – no, we don’t mean your lawn, but rather your relationship. Sometimes one person may think that the grass is greener over the fence and that someone else would make them happier. The truth is, the grass grows best where you water it, so sprinkle some time and effort into making your marriage better.
- Love each other – you most probably verbalised your love for one another at your ceremony. However, love is a verb, so as well as saying it, you need to show your spouse you love them by actions too.
- Stay connected – life gets in the way of relationships, be it, kids, work or family. Book time together to continue to grow and develop your relationship. A date night works well for this.
- Be independent – you are your own person, so maintaining your independence is important. Take time to do things for yourself too.
- Take responsibility – you are both responsible for the success of your marriage. Take responsibility for both the lows and highs you move through, as well as your actions and words.
We wish you all the very best with your marriage. For more great tips, don’t forget to check out our marriage advice articles.