Wedding vows are a beautiful tradition, but who says they can’t be funny too? If you and your partner have a great sense of humour, why not inject some laughter into your special day? Here are 50 funny wedding vows that are sure to tickle your guests' funny bones:

  1. "I promise to unclog the toilet, even when it’s your fault."
  2. "I vow to always let you have the last slice of pizza... unless it’s pepperoni."
  3. "I promise to love you even when you're hangry."
  4. "I vow to pretend I'm listening when you talk about your favourite TV show."
  5. "I promise to always kill the spiders, as long as they're not too big."
  6. "I vow to tolerate your terrible taste in music... most of the time."
  7. "I promise to love you more than my phone... except during software updates."
  8. "I vow to always let you win at board games... when you're having a bad day."
  9. "I promise to share the blanket... after I've warmed up first."
  10. "I vow to support your coffee addiction, as long as you support my chocolate habit."
  11. "I promise to put the toilet seat down... at least 60% of the time."
  12. "I vow to love you through rugby season, even when you yell at the TV."
  13. "I promise to pretend I like your mother’s cooking... as long as you do the same for mine."
  14. "I vow to always be the big spoon, even when I'd rather be the little spoon."
  15. "I promise to forgive you for finishing our favourite show without me... eventually."
  16. "I vow to love you even when you wear socks with sandals."
  17. "I promise to always let you pick the restaurant... after vetoing your first three choices."
  18. "I vow to support your dream of becoming a YouTube star, as long as I don’t have to be in the videos."
  19. "I promise to love you, even when you leave your wet towel on the bed."
  20. "I vow to always tell you when you have food in your teeth... most of the time."
  21. "I promise to love you more than I love my dog... it'll be close, though."
  22. "I vow to always let you have the comfy spot on the couch... unless I get there first."
  23. "I promise to pretend to understand your work jargon, even when I have no clue what you're talking about."
  24. "I vow to love you through bad haircuts and questionable fashion choices."
  25. "I promise to always be your designated driver... as long as you're my designated karaoke singer."
  26. "I vow to let you control the thermostat... as long as I can control the TV remote."
  27. "I promise to love you, even when you use all the hot water in the morning."
  28. "I vow to always laugh at your jokes... even the really, really bad ones."
  29. "I promise to support your wild DIY projects... as long as they don’t involve power tools."
  30. "I vow to always be honest with you... except when you ask if an outfit makes you look fat."
  31. "I promise to love you, even when you steal all the covers at night."
  32. "I vow to always let you win arguments... in your dreams."
  33. "I promise to support your fitness goals... by eating all the junk food in the house."
  34. "I vow to love you through bad cooking experiments and burnt dinners."
  35. "I promise to always be your personal photographer... even if it takes 50 tries to get the perfect selfie."
  36. "I vow to love you, even when you leave your dirty socks on the floor... again."
  37. "I promise to always be your dance partner... even though I have two left feet."
  38. "I vow to support your online shopping addiction... as long as you don’t max out our credit cards."
  39. "I promise to love you, even when you snore loud enough to wake the neighbours."
  40. "I vow to always be your plus-one... even at your weird cousin’s third wedding."
  41. "I promise to love you through bad hair days, mood swings, and Netflix indecision."
  42. "I vow to always let you have the last word... as long as that word is 'sorry'."
  43. "I promise to be your personal cheerleader... except when you're trying to parallel park."
  44. "I vow to love you more than my favourite sports team... unless they're in the playoffs."
  45. "I promise to always support your dreams... even if that dream is to become a professional cat video watcher."
  46. "I vow to love you through thick and thin... and through your experimental beard phases."
  47. "I promise to always be your emergency contact... and your pizza-ordering buddy."
  48. "I vow to love you, even when you sing off-key in the shower... every single morning."
  49. "I promise to always be your partner in crime... as long as that crime is stealing kisses."
  50. "And finally, I vow to love you unconditionally... but I'll love you even more if you do the dishes tonight."

Remember, the key to funny wedding vows is to keep them light-hearted and personal. Make sure they reflect your relationship and sense of humour. And most importantly, don’t forget to include some genuine sentiment among the laughs!

Read some more articles in our Wedding Speeches section, for more great advice given with a splash of humour.